Press releases, Reports & Disclosures for Dubai Financial Market PJSC

Dubai Financial Market News

Dubai Financial Market News

News Update From Dubai Financial Market PJSC

DFM News: Reminder: General Assembly of CBD is being held on 06/03/2024

The Board of Directors of the Commercial Bank of Dubai (PSC) has invited all shareholders to the Annual General Assembly Meeting. The meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, at the bank's head office in Dubai. The agenda includes approving the Directors’ and Auditors’ Reports for the year ending December 31, 2023, the Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Board’s Report for 2023, and the bank's Consolidated Financial Statements for the same year. Also, the board will consider a recommendation for a cash dividend distribution equivalent to 50% of the net profit for 2023, amounting to 44.38% of the paid-up capital, totaling AED 1,324,828,187.

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Dubai Financial Market News

Dubai Financial Market News

News Update From Dubai Financial Market PJSC

DFM News: Suspend trading on ALLIANCE shares starting from 2:00 PM as its BOD meeting is being held today, 06-03-2024 and until results are disclosed
Dubai Financial Market News

Dubai Financial Market News

News Update From Dubai Financial Market PJSC

DFM News: Reminder: Today, 06/03/2024 is the last trading date to entitle for DIB’s cash dividend
Dubai Financial Market News

Dubai Financial Market News

News Update From Dubai Financial Market PJSC

DFM News: Resume trading on DEYAAR shares after disclosing the results of its BOD meeting
Dubai Financial Market News

Dubai Financial Market News

News Update From Dubai Financial Market PJSC

DFM News: Suspend trading on DEYAAR shares starting from 1:00 PM as its BOD meeting is being held today, 05-03-2024 and until results are disclosed
Dubai Financial Market News

Dubai Financial Market News

News Update From Dubai Financial Market PJSC

Disclosure: Invitation of General Assembly

The Board of Directors of Dubai Financial Market Company (PJSC) has invited its shareholders to attend the Annual General Assembly Meeting (AGM) on March 26, 2024. The meeting will be held both virtually and physically. Shareholders will receive a link via SMS for electronic registration, attendance and eVoting a day before the AGM. The meeting will discuss various matters including approval of the company's financial position, the Auditor’s Report, the Fatwa and Sharia Supervisory Board’s Report, and the Company’s Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account for the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2023. It will also consider the proposal concerning distribution of cash dividends of 3.5% of the share capital and appointment of the external Auditors for the fiscal year 2024. Special resolutions include approval of related parties’ transactions during 2023 and changes to certain articles of the Company’s Articles of Association.

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Dubai Financial Market News

Dubai Financial Market News

News Update From Dubai Financial Market PJSC

Disclosure: Board Decisions by Passing

The letter is dated 04 March 2024, addressed to Dr. Maryam Buti Al Suwaidi, the Chief Executive Officer of the Securities and Commodities Authority in Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Mr. Hamed Ahmed Ali, the Chief Executive Officer of the Dubai Financial Market in Dubai, UAE. The subject of the letter is the disclosure by the Dubai Financial Market (PJSC) regarding the date of issuing a Board of Directors' resolution by circulation. The letter announces that the company's Board of Directors will pass a resolution about ordinary and internal matters no later than March 07, 2024. The letter is signed by Ali Al Hashimi, the Chief Financial Officer of the Dubai Financial Market (PJSC).

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Dubai Financial Market News

Dubai Financial Market News

News Update From Dubai Financial Market PJSC

DFM News: Resume trading on NGI shares after disclosing the results of its BOD meeting
Dubai Financial Market News

Dubai Financial Market News

News Update From Dubai Financial Market PJSC

DFM News: Resume trading on BHMCAPITAL shares starting from 1:20 PM after disclosing the Postponing General Assembly for the lack of quorum . The Resume-Auction session (no-matching) will be 5 minutes
Dubai Financial Market News

Dubai Financial Market News

News Update From Dubai Financial Market PJSC

DFM News: Resume trading on SALIK shares starting from 11:30 AM after disclosing the results of its BOD meeting. The Resume-Auction session (no-matching) will be 5 minutes