Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation PJSC Sets Stage for Annual General Meeting

Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation PJSC (Empower) has announced its annual general meeting scheduled for March 27, 2024. The meeting's agenda is packed with key decisions that could shape the company's future.

Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation PJSC Sets Stage for Annual General Meeting
Empower will discuss and approve various key reports and policies, including the appointment of the Secretary of the meeting, Dubai Financial Market as votes collector, the Board of Directors' report, the external auditor's report, and the consolidated financial statements for 2023. A significant interim cash dividend of AED 425,000,000 for 2023 and the company's dividend policy will also be on the table.
Empower, established in 2003, has grown into a major player in the cooling systems industry. The company's market cap stands at a robust 16,200,000,000. Its recent yields indicate a slight fluctuation, with a 3-month yield of 0.01% and a 1-month yield of -0.1%. However, the company's outlook remains stable, and the upcoming annual general meeting could provide some valuable insights into its future plans and strategies. The meeting's agenda is comprehensive, covering several key aspects of the company's operations. This includes the approval of the Board of Directors' report, the external auditor's report, and the consolidated financial statements for 2023. Of particular interest to shareholders will be the proposed interim cash dividend of AED 425,000,000 for both halves of 2023 and the company's dividend policy. The meeting will also discuss the board's remuneration for 2023 and the discharge of the board members and external auditors from liability for the same year. The variation in audit fees is another point of discussion. The appointment of the external auditors for 2024 will be a key decision that could impact the company's financial transparency and accountability. Shareholders are encouraged to participate in the meeting, either in person or by delegating a proxy. The company has also facilitated electronic registration and voting to ensure maximum participation. The quorum for the meeting is 50% of the company's share capital, emphasizing the importance of shareholder participation in these crucial decisions. Given the company's stable performance and the key decisions to be made at the upcoming AGM, it would be prudent for investors to hold onto their shares and monitor the outcomes of the meeting. The decisions made could have a significant impact on the company's future direction and profitability.


1. Invitation of General Assembly


Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation PJSC (Empower) has invited its shareholders to the annual general meeting on March 27, 2024. The agenda includes approving the appointment of the Secretary of the meeting and Dubai Financial Market as votes collector, the Board of Directors' report, the external auditor's report, and the consolidated financial statements for 2023. The board will also consider approving the interim cash dividend of AED 425,000,000 for both halves of 2023 and the company's dividend policy. The board's remuneration for 2023, discharging the board members and external auditors from liability for 2023, and variation in audit fees will also be considered. Finally, the appointment of the external auditors for 2024 will be discussed. Shareholders can register and vote electronically and may delegate a proxy to attend the meeting on their behalf. The quorum for the meeting is 50% of the company's share capital.

2. Invitation of General Assembly


The shareholder(s) of Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation PJSC have appointed a representative to vote on their behalf at the General Assembly meeting on Wednesday 27/3/2024. According to the Corporate Governance Manual, a shareholder can delegate someone other than the Board members or the company's staff to attend and vote at the meeting. The representative can't have more than 5% of the Company's issued capital after receiving the delegation. The shareholder's signature on the power of attorney should be approved by a Notary Public or other specified entities.

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