Press releases, Reports & Disclosures for National General Insurance Company P.J.S.C
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Disclosure: Integrated report for the year 2024
Disclosure: Financial statements for the year of 2024
Disclosure: Results of BOD Meeting
Disclosure: BOD meeting
Disclosure: Preliminary financial results for the year of 2024
Disclosure: Notification from the company
The text outlines a set of commitments and declarations made by an individual or entity in relation to their role and responsibilities, likely within a financial or corporate governance context. These commitments include maintaining integrity and transparency, avoiding conflicts of interest, ensuring independence in decision-making, dedicating sufficient time and effort to responsibilities, and complying with relevant laws and regulations. Additionally, the text emphasizes the importance of notifying relevant authorities about any changes in position or resignation.
1. Attached Document 2. Attached Document 3. Attached Document 4. Attached Document
Disclosure: Results of BOD Meeting
Disclosure: BOD meeting
Disclosure: Results of BOD Meeting
Disclosure: Financial statements for the 3rd QTR of 2024
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