Arab Insurance Group B.S.C.
Dubai Financial Market
United Arab Emirates
About Arab Insurance Group B.S.C.
Country of Origin: Kingdom of Bahrain
Arab Insurance Group (B.S.C) (the “Company”, Parent Company) is an international insurance company registered as a Bahraini Shareholding Company having its registered office at Arig House, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. The Parent Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are involved in provision of general (non-life) and life reinsurance and related service activities.
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Disclosure: Notification from the company
Disclosure: BOD meeting
Disclosure: Press release regarding financial results for the first nine months of 2020
Disclosure: Financial statements for the 3rd QTR of 2020
Disclosure: Results of BOD meeting
Disclosure: Notification from the company
Disclosure: Changes of BOD meeting date
Disclosure: BOD meeting
Disclosure: Notification from the company
Disclosure: Minutes of Extraordinary General Assembly
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